What is MyCloud?

Mrs Mario
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MyCloud is an application that is completely and utterly based in the cloud. No, not the one planes fly through, rather the term that technology gurus give to applications that float in cyberspace and perform tasks usually done by bits of hardware stuck to your desk, or in a basement somewhere.


MyCloud gives you access to digital content such as music, videos, and files from the cloud anywhere and at any time. If the whim takes you, you can access your content at the tap of a finger. You can even use MyCloud to remotely access and control any PC or Mac system that you have access to, and you can access applications or files to extend the versatility of the Eee Pad Transformer.

Imagine that? Once you have set MyCloud up you will never have that moment of panic when you realise halfway to work that the documents you spent all night working on are still stuck on your home PC. Instead you can simply access your PC directly through MyCloud and avoid the tedious task of turning around and going back home. Or explaining to your colleagues that you have left everything behind.

The genius behind this, of course, is that as a parent you won’t have to endure hours of wailing when the kids realise they have left homework left undone on the family PC, or when your partner wants to check his email.

MyCloud works really well with ASUS’ WebStorage space as well so you can sync documents with your free cloud storage (Yes, you get a year’s free subscription to ASUS WebStorage when you buy an Eee Pad Transformer) too. This is very handy as a backup tool and will definitely be a good thing if your entire machine shuts down because the kids let a virus in to play. By accident, of course.

MyCloud is automatically included on the Eee Pad Transformer and well worth customising to suit your needs. It will definitely rescue the exhausted parents of a new baby, when tired minds forget everything. I’ve been known to leave for work in my slippers…

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  • https://me.yahoo.com/a/wtz7OcwplsAYD4k.TR14D9U2_A--#b9ae8 dvdyke

    This is only good if you have a decent data plan. Also I think the maximum you can upload is 2GB.

  • http://twitter.com/cloudsmesh Vishal

    Its great when we have limited storage capacity.A great feature with Transformer. 

  • http://twitter.com/cloudsmesh Vishal

    Hi dvdyke

    I think with Pad Transformer we got unlimited data storage for one year in MyClouds.
    Am i right?

  • Anonymous

    Yes that’s correct.

  • http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000041193065 Surjo Lahiri

    wow.! this is great .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  • Orion Antares

    That’s still not that great, unless they are going to keep offering a year of unlimited data with any new system purchases and you plan to purchase one of those new systems yearly.

  • Mrs Mario

    I love this feature!

  • Mrs Mario

    That’s right, Vishal. Good one!