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One thing I absolutely love about writing here is that I get to play around with technology and read all about new and exciting things. Like the fact that IFA is hatching plans for tech domination on 06 September and ASUS are revealing all sorts of exciting facts on their Facebook page. More on that over here….

ASUS VivoBook S400

So, before I get distracted by the squeaky wonder of IFA and the ASUS announcement today, let me rather focus on the ASUS Vivobook S400 with Haswell power and 14 inches of screeny glory. This ultrabook is not what you think. It isn’t going to eat away at your savings like a hungry chipmunk, nor is it going to look like it only cost you a penny.

Here you have a device that’s packed with some cool features that are designed to keep the business user happy and don’t compromise on performance, while simultaneously coming in at a budget price. What more could you ask for, really?

 ASUS Vivobook S400

The ASUS Vivobook S301 comes with an Intel Core i7 CPU (If you fancy the high-end version, that is) and Windows 8, backlit keyboard and a touchscreen for all that ease of use you so desperately need. The device is made with brushed aluminium and comes with SonicMaster audio for superior sound quality.

You won’t have to settle for one colour either. This device comes in black and white and silver and red, it is light and easy to carry about (well, you probably guessed that when I said it was ultra-portable) and it comes with additional gesture support on the touchpad for superb manipulation of features and the software. This is a very nice piece of kit that won’t break the bank and still offers you plenty of features.

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