Keeping track of your life, the easy way

Mrs Mario
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When my daughter started school I thought that life was going to get easier. Boy, was I wrong. I should have done more reading. Instead of the longer hours offering me more time to work and focus on things that have been on my waiting list for years, I found that my list became even longer. And these To Do items demanded that I not forget them or do them “when I had a chance”, oh no…

google calendar

Now I had to remember £1 for non-school uniform days like Easter and Children in Need and Red Nose Day, and to actually make sure she didn’t get ferried off in her uniform by mistake. To have photographs and Easter Gardens prepared for her class, to remember when (and what) the Inset days were, holidays and, of course, the Class Photo days.

I have already managed to send my child to school with the worst hair imaginable on Class Photo day. Naturally she looked fine the other days…

I have a paper calendar stuck on the wall of the kitchen (which keeps falling down) and I have stuck post its on the bread bin (which also fall down). Now I have something even better. A way of ensuring that neither myself nor my husband is left standing at the school gates under a cloud of parental guilt and failure – Google Calendar and the Eee Pad Transformer.

google calendar

You see, the Eee Pad Transformer has a built-in calendar app that synchs automatically with your Google account by default. All you have to do is put the widget on your home page and enter your email address. Then, without any further sweating or sobbing, your calendars will appear on the opening page of your Transformer in an always visible box.

If you’ve never used Google or Google Calendar before, then check out the tutorial on how to open a Google account, how to access and use the Calendar, and how to get that widget onto your Eee Pad Transformer’s home page.

Once you have sorted your calendar out, you can update it from your PC, laptop, phone or Transformer really easily so those last minute instructions from the teacher, those urgent school supplies (clothes, hairbands) and other such vital things can be immediately input so you won’t forget to do them. It is one very helpful tool that makes all the difference in a busy life.

It has certainly stopped me from suffering from that weird sense of “Oh dear, what have I forgotten now?”, whenever I swing past the school to collect my child.

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  • Vishal

    Google document is useful.Specially when you don’t like install large office programs in Tablets like me.

  • Mrs Mario
