Children predict the future of technology

August 16th, 2011 in .Family Tech .News & Events
Mrs Mario
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An organisation called Latitude recently ran a study that found kids are talented at visualising the future of technology. They asked children from across the world to draw the answer to a simple question, “What would you like your computer or the Internet to do that it can’t do right now?”

The results were extraordinary. Children were sketching ideas that were only just becoming possible or appearing in tech thinking. Steve Mushkin, founder and president of Latitude, said, “…kids from all over the world have proven, time and again, that they think in extraordinarily sophisticated ways about how tech could enhance their learning, play and interactions with the people and things around them.”

The majority of the submissions had children imagining technology that was more intuitive to use and had more human interaction modes and responses. Other aspects included technologies that would empower learning and knowledge, creativity, and personal development.

This is an extraordinary study that really shows you how the creativity and imagination of children can really uncover new ideas and strategies for the future. Many of us grew up without mobile phones or the internet so our children are those who will take this technology to the next level.

Fascinating stuff…

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  • Vishal

    Vast thinking.