Five ways to save YOUR sanity this summer

August 12th, 2011 in .Family Tech
Mrs Mario
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We all love our kids. We do. They are soft and sweet and cuddly and adorable. However, they are also moody, stubborn, difficult, shouty and sometimes very difficult to entertain. The summer holidays have only just started but we’re already faced with the tunes of “I’m booored” and “Don’t wanna!”.

So, here are five ways your PC can save your sanity this summer…

1. Google

Just smash (or type, depending on the time of day and how many times you’ve cleaned juice up off the floor) the words “creative projects for kids” into your Google searchbar and you’ll be inundated with ideas. From crafty brilliance for little hands and fingers (such as toilet roll robots or tin can machines) to baking ideas and full on fun for kids. Do one of these a day and you are bound to get some peace and quiet.

2. Recycle

Paper Mache is your friend. Those old newspapers you’ve been saving for the last ten years can come out of the cupboard and into the creative zone. Make the Paper Mache following these very simple instructions and let them loose. This blog has tons of ideas on how to use your Paper Mache and kids will have a ball.

3. YouTube

Not only does YouTube have a huge selection of movies, cartoons, shorts and funnies, but there is even a video that invites parents to join in the campaign to save summer sanity. If you join them, you will get a helpful hint every day of the holidays to help you keep your kids entertained.

4. There’s an app for that

apps for kids

You’ve obviously got an Eee Pad Transformer sitting at home so why not use it for good. Check out our feature on apps for busy parents or the list of fab educational apps for kids. And if none of those appeal, just find some and let the kids play around and tell you what you think. Again, lots of time used up here so you can make a nice cup of tea.

5. Outside and outdoors

The internet is your saviour here. On a gorgeous sunny day you don’t want to be caught up indoors staring at the screen, you want to be outside and having fun. But where to go? Use the internet to find local walks and trails for restless feet, or even to locate the nearest bike rental shop and the best places to cycle. Pack a picnic, your Transformer (so you can read in a sunny field, obviously) and get going…

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